Japan: Pioneering Technological Marvels
Japan, often referred to as “The Land of the Rising Sun,” stands as a testament to innovation and technological prowess. With a relentless dedication to progress, Japan is a realm where the march of technology knows no rest. Japanese inventors continuously push the boundaries, crafting ingenious solutions that elevate their quality of life to seemingly futuristic levels. Some of these creations, while unconventional in appearance, bear the hallmark of brilliance that sparks envy in many corners of the world.
From tackling first-world predicaments to addressing the minutiae of daily inconveniences, here are 12 remarkable Japanese inventions that could very well find their way to global adoption:
1. White Goat Paper Recycler: A workplace machine that turns used office paper into toilet paper.
Every year, Americans use more than 90 million short tons of paper and paperboard. That’s an average of 700 pounds of paper products per person each year. If we do the math, that adds up to 187 billion pounds (85 billion kg) per year for the entire population. The average office worker generates about 2 lbs worth of mixed paper products every day and uses about 10,000 sheets of paper each year. Companies even hire other companies to shred their paper products and dispose of them properly.
However, a Japanese company has come up with the perfect solution to recycle paper and put it to good use. The White Goat Paper Recycler is a machine that uses office papers, shreds them, mixes it with water, thus converting it to a pulp and them turns it into toilet paper. According to its inventor, the machine could save up to 40 cedar trees a year, and a lot of money for individual companies.